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Hibachi Chicken & Rice Skillet Meal











6 boneless, skinless chicken thighs (2 lbs)
1/2 cup low sodium soy sauce
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 teaspoon ground ginger powder
3 tablespoons vegetable oil
1 onion, sliced
1 teaspoon minced garlic
3.5 cups chicken broth
1.5 cups extra-long grain white rice
1/4 cup Yum Yum sauce (optional)




Combine soy sauce, pepper, garlic powder and ginger to make a marinade. Add chicken thighs and marinade to a zip-top bag then refrigerate 1-6 hours. 1/2 c soy sauce, 1 tsp each pepper and garlic powder, 1/2 tsp ginger, 6 chicken thighs
Remove chicken from marinade onto a few layers of paper towels, keeping marinade to be used later. The paper towels are to absorb excess liquid before cooking to reduce popping and burning.
Add enough oil to a large skillet to generously coat the bottom then heat over medium-high heat until oil is shimmering. Place all chicken thighs into skillet then cook 5-7 minutes on each side or until nicely browned. Remove chicken from skillet. 3 tbsp vegetable oil
Add onions to hot skillet with pan drippings then sauté for 3 minutes. Add garlic then cook an additional 2 minutes. 1 sliced onion, 1 tsp minced garlic
Add reserved marinade to onions to deglaze the pan then cook 5 minutes or until marinade is reduced by half.
Add chicken broth and rice then bring to a boil. Once boiling, reduce heat to medium-low, cover then cook for 10 minutes. Stir with a fork, taking care to scrape the bottom of the pan to ensure the rice isn’t sticking. 3.5 c chicken broth, 1.5 c rice
Arrange chicken in skillet over rice, cover then continue cooking 10-15 minutes over low heat until rice is done.
To serve, drizzle Yum Yum sauce over chicken then garnish with chopped chives or scallions if desired. 1/4 cup Yum Yum sauce


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